2020 Activities Recap

Wednesday, November 11
Due to the pandemic, Netrality Data Centers and Bala Consulting Engineers’ second annual in-person celebration of International Data Center Day was cancelled this March to protect the health and safety of attendees. On November 11th, Netrality, Bala, and ACE Mentor Program joined together to virtually celebrate International Data Center Day and educate students from Roman Catholic High School, Bonner Prendie High School, and ACE Mentor Program.
Roman Catholic High School’s Principal, Vince Tarducci shared, “Working with Netrality over the past two school years has been a wonderful experience for our students. It has provided them with an opportunity to explore careers in the tech field which has had a positive impact on their post-secondary plan development. Through both the field trip and virtual presentation, Netrality has offered real-world learning opportunities that were engaging and motivated our students to embark on a continued exploration of potential college majors. Roman Catholic High School is very grateful for our partnership with Netrality and we look forward to strengthening our relationship for years to come.”

Tuesday, April 21
On April 21, The 7×24 Exchange Metro NY Chapter held its annual University Challenge… virtually! This year, three collegiate teams – Binghamton, Manhattan College, and Rutgers – presented their IT/Data Center-centric projects.
One key highlight was the diversity of the teams with over 65% female participation from multiple engineering disciplines. Look out for more information in the near future and stay tuned for a follow-up article in the Fall 2020 edition of 7×24 Exchange Magazine.
Wednesday, March 25
Eaton PDI and the VCU College of Engineering team celebrated International Data Center Day virtually through a conference call on March 25th. This meeting is meant to link the university to groups that participate in the data center business to create new opportunities and increase the visibility around data centers.
Wednesday, March 25
On March 25th, the Central Virginia Chapter presented a scholarship check to VCU College of Engineering.

Monday, March 9
Juli Ierulli, eCommerce Marketing Manager at Caterpillar, spoke to students at Dunlap High School in Dunlap, Illinois, about the data center industry and the wide array of opportunities for the next generation of professionals in the industry.

Tuesday, January 21
As Myanmar is rapidly transforming in technology and telecommunications industries, it is important to spread knowledge about data centers and their vital role for various industries in today’s data driven world. Also, it is essential to have a workforce that understands the data center industry. In doing so, we must raise awareness about the extensive career opportunities. Myint & Associates has liaised with various educational institutions to provide knowledge sharing workshops and industry visit for them in 2020.
Social Media
On this #intldatacenterday we salute #datacenter teams all over the world for their hard work, dedication and courage.
Continue bringing in the best talent and we’ll keep the world’s data secure and flowing. Visit https://t.co/SZsYKXA7Io for more information
#missioncritical pic.twitter.com/AzzkCgzik4— CBRE Data Centers (@cbredatacenters) March 25, 2020
Thank you to the #EssentialWorkforce for maintaining and powering the flow of critical data. The world is grateful for your service! @7x24Exchange #intldatacenter #missioncritical pic.twitter.com/1ufndJnjVX
— CBRE Data Centers (@cbredatacenters) March 25, 2020
#Datacenters are now playing a very critical role in this phase enabling the way we work from home by working 24×7 to maintain a secure digital infrastructure across the globe and becoming a key pillar in holding the world together. #InternationalDataCenterDay #UnitileIndia pic.twitter.com/H3wtQosH7O
— Unitile (@UnitileIndia) March 25, 2020
Today we're celebrating #intldatacenterday with @7x24Exchange. This day helps raise awareness of the data center industry and helps to inspire the next generation of talent. Brasfield & Gorrie has constructed $1.9 billion in successfully completed mission critical projects! pic.twitter.com/0a1Ewd3IXO
— Brasfield & Gorrie (@BrasfieldGorrie) March 25, 2020
International Data Center Day was created with the mission to educate the next generation on the importance of data centers in our daily lives. View these online resources to learn more and share with the students in your life:https://t.co/xwFpfYmp3s#intldatacenterday pic.twitter.com/kO9xsmQRdN
— Starline (@StarlinePower) March 25, 2020
It's #intldatacenterday! Join us in celebrating with a few FAQs answered by Compass CEO, Chris Crosby. @7x24Exchange https://t.co/udfQgewmu6 pic.twitter.com/AFTchlZ6c7
— Compass Datacenters (@CompassDCs) March 25, 2020
To celebrate #intldatacenterday, @CNettraining is offering tutors, and students at The STEM Innovation Campus in East Anglia, the opportunity to take The Data Centre Fundamentals Program completely free of charge.
Find out more here – https://t.co/Mxd8xALELj#Cnetgiveback #STEM pic.twitter.com/zegzQc4wod
— CNet Training (@CNettraining) March 25, 2020
A recent @CushWake study ranked #Chicago 4th globally for #datacenters. Our members have played a key role in helping develop the region as a connectively hub and will continue to power growth into the future. #IntlDataCenterDay https://t.co/E0Hytqsjzc
— Powering Chicago (@PoweringChicago) March 25, 2020
TODAY is International Data Center Day! Check out these online resources designed for all ages (elementary, high school and college levels). Develop https://t.co/LnAz7iYwTz @7x24Exchange #datacenter #heaengineers
— Horizon Engineering (@HEA_Energy) March 25, 2020
On #IntlDataCenterDay, we'd like to reflect and thank all our technicians for continuing to deliver exceptional service to our clients, keeping business up & running during this unprecedented time. https://t.co/ia3tlXqTXq #businesscontinuity #datacenter @7x24Exchange pic.twitter.com/Dpvhazl03D
— Salute Mission Critical (@SaluteIncorp) March 25, 2020
It's #IntlDataCenterDay powered by @7x24Exchange International! Head on over to https://t.co/qYSArF2Lls for a number of educational resources to keep your kids preparing to #bridgethetalentgap in the industry from home!
— JSA (@telecompr) March 25, 2020
We are celebrating @7x24Exchange International #DataCenter Day by demonstrating how our Room Alert products prevent costly downtime due to environment changes in your data centers, server rooms and IT spaces.https://t.co/iDw18geSVc pic.twitter.com/zxKJX81NwP
— AVTECH Software, Inc (@AVTECHSoftware) March 25, 2020
#intldatacenterday Check out the #DCME directory listing for @hubersuhner HUBER+SUHNER provides high performance and innovative products and services for the rapidly evolving data centre market #datacentre #DCME #DATACENTREME https://t.co/1UaIc9tK2t pic.twitter.com/xAw3zBoAQM
— DATACENTREdotME (@DATACENTREdotME) March 25, 2020
Happy #IntlDataCenterDay! Let's all join @7x24Exchange in making the impossible possible by educating our youth. pic.twitter.com/J8pgHo1A4X
— Mission Critical (@MCritical) March 25, 2020
It's International Data Center Day! We invite you to celebrate with us as we create awareness of the #datacenter industry. In times like these we look towards a bright future and our next generation of engineering talent. #intldatacenterday @7x24exchange https://t.co/0csa48zhqT pic.twitter.com/gK3EGpw5AZ
— Thermo Systems (@thermo_systems) March 25, 2020
At a time when #datacenters have never played a more critical role in keeping us all #connected during #CoronavirusLockdown, @cool_dcs is proud to celebrate #intldatacenterday @7x24exchange https://t.co/zzMGFtZKPD pic.twitter.com/U5aOGpmfPR
— cool Data Centres Ltd. (coolDC) (@cool_dcs) March 25, 2020
On March 25, celebrate International #DataCenter Day with the rest of the #DataCenters industry. #intldatacenterday @7x24exchange https://t.co/kDMJVkaDaV pic.twitter.com/u3UCi57iKX
— IEM (@iemfg) March 20, 2020
Data centers are more important than ever and crucial to industries around the world. That's why we're joining @7x24Exchange by tipping our hat to International Data Center Day and inspiring the next generation of data center talent. https://t.co/xYlYZRWD9m #intldatacenterday
— Cummins Inc. (@Cummins) March 18, 2020
Did you know, it is International Data Center Day on 25th March? @Cummins are proud to partner with @7x24Exchange to support the day. Click here to find out how #Cummins are celebrating this year! #intldatacenterday
Read the full article here: https://t.co/fbQuQnpzyk pic.twitter.com/3pvqkpYvwv
— Cummins South Pacific (@CumminsSP) March 17, 2020
#intldatacenterday is next Wednesday! We're proud to be the 2020 Premier Sponsor & show our support. Recap of last year's celebration: https://t.co/SXT1RgW6le@7x24Exchange #datacenters pic.twitter.com/AsIE7UDM7j
— CBRE Data Centers (@cbredatacenters) March 18, 2020
Happy @7x24exchange #intldatacenterday ! International Data Center Day is designed to create awareness of the data center industry and to inspire the next generation of talent. pic.twitter.com/wWLpxh7oqk
— Liquid Technology (@LiquidTechNews) March 25, 2020
Check out these #datacenter blog posts, curated for easy reading, in anticipation of International Data Center Day! https://t.co/FdonV4nnlp
Learn more about International Data Center Day here: https://t.co/Euda0ckGcD@7x24exchange#intldatacenterday pic.twitter.com/kwjTm8M3EK
— Fairbanks Energy Services (@FairbanksEnergy) March 19, 2020
Trouble keeping your kids' attention? #BVDataCenters has got you covered. Visit https://t.co/MDPR5rrpAz
for fun #STEM activities to celebrate #intldatacenterday on 3/25/2020. @7x24Exchange pic.twitter.com/FQEESteCCh— Black & Veatch (@Black_Veatch) March 23, 2020
This #IntlDataCenterDay, join us as we support @7x24Exchange in increasing awareness of the data center industry and #STEM education.
— M.C. Dean (@mcdean) March 25, 2020
Today is International Data Center Day! We appreciate all of the hard work of our #MissionCritical teams across the country! @7x24Exchange provides useful information, projects, & contacts to help students learn about the world of #datacenters.https://t.co/sL2OvGpUIW
— H5 Data Centers (@H5_Datacenters) March 25, 2020
Happy International #DataCenter Day! #IntlDataCenterDay created by @7x24Exchange Creating Future #Digitalinfrastructure #Workforce & #STEMJobs! Thanks to ALL Our #STEM Support Heros & Heroins! #AzDataCenter #AzSmartCities #USDC20 #AzSTEM #SolarGoKarts pic.twitter.com/iniN3AWdjL
— AzDataCenter (@AzDataCenter) March 25, 2020
Happy #InternationalDataCenterDay! During this challenging time, we want to continue to shower our employees and peers with praise for maintaining our digital economy's mission-critical infrastructure. Need a refresher on what a #datacenter is? We’ve got you covered. pic.twitter.com/NDYyZPVBGJ
— Stream Data Centers (@StreamDataCentr) March 25, 2020
Today we are taking a moment to recognize all of the amazing individuals who help make @Switch a world leader in #DataCenter design, development and mission critical operations. #IntlDataCenterDay #STEAM @7x24Exchange pic.twitter.com/aNI7sN2OuM
— Switch (@Switch) March 25, 2020
#IntlDataCenterDay helps the industry connect with future #STEM leaders and further #DataCenter industry's prosperity. We're focused on making #sustainability a critical aspect of the space for generations to come. https://t.co/doMOl0sQE4
— Andrew Perlmutter (@abperlmutter) March 25, 2020
#BriefingsDirect: How #Sustainability and #Diversity Prove Foundational to the Evolving Modern Data Center https://t.co/FB8Ffrynbe @Vertiv @7x24exchange #DataCenter Day #intldatacenterday #cloud #technology #DX #business #management #technology #Vertiv #datacenter #colocation #AI
— Dana Gardner (@Dana_Gardner) March 25, 2020
RT On International Data Center Day, here is #Cyxtera a glance:
-Global platform of 62 highly-connected data centers
-More than 2,300 customers and 600 networks
-29 global markets on four continentsLearn more today! https://t.co/sTBlg5YcpY #GoCyxtera #intldatacenterday
— Holland Barry (@hollandcbarry) March 25, 2020
On this #IntlDataCenterDay, we're proud to support the many professionals, students and world citizens who rely on the Internet year-round and especially during this unprecedented pandemic. Thank you to the #datacenter workers who keep us online. pic.twitter.com/NmO5WxbmV6
— ServerFarm (@SF_DataCenters) March 25, 2020
As data centers evolve, our technology evolves with them to reduce capital costs, and drive long-term energy and water savings. On International Data Center Day, find out how Free Cooling could help make your next project a success. https://t.co/r7zM31d8vz #intldatacenterday pic.twitter.com/KeejpcR5TC
— Daikin Applied (@DaikinApplied) March 25, 2020
#Data centres are the backbone of the digital world. We celebrate #Intldatacenterday to mark the innovation driven by our industry that supports all businesses undergoing #digital transformation. Learn more about data centre innovation now. https://t.co/TO7BQWw5lF pic.twitter.com/eVPh7o5J2L
— Interxion: A DIGITAL REALTY COMPANY (@interxion) March 25, 2020
Happy #InternationalDataCenterDay! Today we celebrate the home of the #internet and all of the #missioncritical professionals that help power our connected world. #IntlDataCenterDay #datacenter @7x24Exchange pic.twitter.com/rQxAczntUs
— Netrality Data Centers (@Netrality) March 25, 2020
Today is #intldatacenterday
GPS is a supporter of the fast growing and innovative Data Center industry. We are proud to be celebrating this day alongside @7x24Exchange.https://t.co/nEmYgT8OmN#datacenters #dieselgenerators#backuppower pic.twitter.com/FP9T2i55Pg— Global Power Supply (@GlobalPwr) March 25, 2020
It's #intldatacenterday! With many professionals and students working from home, #datacenters are more critical than ever. We’re proud to provide data centers with the safe, reliable energy they need. @7x24Exchange #datacenter #datacenterarchitecture https://t.co/cWXRkZtzXa pic.twitter.com/nhLVpMxXsH
— Black Hills Energy (@bhenergy) March 25, 2020
@CorganInc believes in creating industry-leading designs and we look forward to inspiring the next generation of data center architects. We celebrate #intldatacenterday with @7x24Exchange. More on the blog! https://t.co/j8XULDnScr#CorganDataCenters #datacenters #CorganConnect pic.twitter.com/cjAL8UUGf0
— Corgan (@CorganInc) March 25, 2020
Happy #IntlDataCenterDay! We are grateful for all of the #datacenters around the world that are improving #connectivity. @7x24Exchange pic.twitter.com/Aln5OC2pwK
— BDx Data Centers (@bdxworld) March 25, 2020
💻International Data Center Day💻
In support of International Data Center, Cummins reached out to local communities to educate on Data Centers and opportunities to STEM students.
Want to know more? 👉 https://t.co/xj7jHay0mZ#intldatacenterday #datacenters pic.twitter.com/fKt2DKDUjd
— Cummins Africa ME (@Cummins_Africa) March 25, 2020
It's International Data Center Day! Join us in celebration as we build awareness for the data center industry and inspire the next generation of talent! @7x24Exchange #intldatacenterday pic.twitter.com/PZAti3HisO
— 7×24 Carolinas (@7x24Carolinas) March 25, 2020
Today @BluepointTech supports International Data Centre Day, which is designed to create awareness of the #DataCentre industry and to inspire the next generation of talent #intldatacenterday @7x24exchange see https://t.co/dMcH8uBBF0 for more pic.twitter.com/kYmbz3JMkh
— Bluepoint Technologies (@BluepointTech) March 25, 2020
International Data Center Day: Planning for the Future
7×24 Exchange and the International Data Center Day team hope that you and your families remain safe and healthy given the global efforts to contain the COVID-19 virus. With the closure of many schools, we recognize that most of the planned activities for this year will be postponed and encourage you to continue events once the restrictions are lifted. After all, International Data Center Day is not just a day, it’s designed to create awareness year round. Additionally, we have prepared a number of educational resources that may be useful given the shift towards online learning. They can be used as instructional materials for classes, fun “at home” projects, and social media projects. Be sure to post your celebration messages on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc., and be sure to tag us using #intldatacenterday. If you need artwork or memes, feel free to visit our Co-Marketing Center.
POSTPONED - TBD: CBRE & Academies of Loudoun
CBRE gives a tour and a combined presentation with CBRE DCS and CyrusOne to the Academies of Loudoun.
POSTPONED - TBD: Netrality & Bala Data Center Tours
Netrality Data Centers and Bala are celebrating their second International Data Center day together on March 25th 2020. In support of inspiring the next generation of mission-critical professionals, Netrality and Bala will be hosting data center tours for students interested in learning about the industry and its wide array of career opportunities. Students can look forward to enjoying presentations, pizza, and awards!
POSTPONED - TBD: Washington DC Chapter
The Washington DC Chapter of 7×24 Exchange International is teaming up with a group of local high school students from Freedom High School to celebrate International Data Center Day at Vantage Data Centers in Sterling, VA!

POSTPONED - TBD: CAI & Northern Virginia Community College
In celebration of International Data Center Day, CAI will be presenting to the students of NVCC’s new Data Center Operations (DCO) program on March 25, 2020. CAI will guide the students through data center commissioning and its importance for bringing critical facilities online. The students will participate in a hands-on commissioning exercise and have the opportunity to discuss career paths at CAI.
POSTPONED - TBD: Ohio Chapter, Delaware City Schools, and Nationwide
The Ohio Chapter will be celebrating with Delaware City Schools and Nationwide for a day of education and a tour of a full time, professional data center! We will be guiding the students through every available area of the data center and having the data center techs teach them the ins and outs of the system. We will also be educating them on the overall industry and career opportunities.
POSTPONED - TBD: Midwest Chapter
The Midwest Chapter of 7×24 Exchange International will be hosting a Chapter meeting to celebrate International Data Center Day.
POSTPONED - TBD: TAS and Klein Trails Girl Scout Community
To celebrate International Data Center Day, TAS will be presenting to the Klein Trails Girl Scout Community on March 26th, 2020. The presentation will include detailed information on what data centers are, the purpose of a data center, career opportunities within the industry and about the modular data center products that TAS provides.
POSTPONED - TBD: CBRE and Northern Virginia Community College
CBRE gives a tour and a combined presentation with CBRE DCS and CyrusOne to the Northern Virginia Community College.
CBRE will present a panel discussion at the Alabama Business and Technology Conference Career Fair.
Did You Know?
More data has been shared online in the past 2 years than all of previous human history!