School / Data Center Connection…
Connect with schools in your local area to help raise awareness of data center careers and support the next generation of the mission critical industry.
If each data center professional connects with a local school, think of how many students will consider a career in the mission critical field.
How You Can Connect…
Connecting with a local school can begin in many ways. Perhaps it is through personal contacts, Public Relations programs at your company, talking with your children’s teachers at open houses.
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3…

Juli Ierulli, Global eCommerce Growth Manager-Electric Power Division, Caterpillar and Vice President, 7×24 Exchange, showing our “What is a Data Center?” presentation at a local school.
Contact a local school administrator, guidance counselor or teacher. Let them know you represent a data center or mission critical organization and that you would like to arrange for a special presentation.

Did You Know?
Over 96% of people access the internet using a mobile device.